
Team Carole, Sytze & Cara

Our team consists of Marvelous students of KU Leuven. Carole finished her Bachelor of Science in Psychology and added an Interuniversity Master in Gender and Diversity. Cara and Sytze started off with a Bachelor of Arts in History and Cara added the Master in Cultural Studies, while Sytze continued the Master of Arts in History. All three of us are currently part of the Advanced Master of Science in Digital Humanities.

Gender & Popularity


Trends in sexuality

Trends in status




General data on characters and creators can be found on the Marvel Developer Portal. Characters include a description and both characters and creators contain a list of comics, stories, events, and series. We linked this information with the Marvel Wikia to determine height, weight, powers, occupation and categories for the characters.

The database we found on Github however contained more information such as their identity, alignment, eye and hair color, sex and whether they belong to a sexual minority. It also indicated their status and the year of their first appearance and the number of appearances. By identity we mean whether they have a secret or public identity or no dual identity at all. The alignment indicates whether a character is good, bad or neutral.

You can switch between datasets using the switch button. If you are looking for even more on Marvel Characters, please check another initiative called marvelousdb.